2024 USATF-NE Cross Country

Cross Country is the purest form of racing there is…  it’s not about PRs – it’s about you against the turf and the person just ahead of you.  Distances are approximations and the terrain makes comparisons and PRs irrelevant.  All that matters is the order of finish.


Join us for the USATF-NE XC Grand Prix.  If you’re a veteran XC racer you already know how enjoyable and helpful XC racing is.  If you’re a newbie – give it a try.  The challenge is guaranteed to improve your running and street racing.


We’d like to have a sense of who’s interested and who plans to do which races.  Below is the USATF-NE XC GP schedule.  Mark the races you’re interested in.  You are not committing – just expressing interest and it helps us to gage how our teams are shaping up.  The club pays for the NE Championship (at fabled Franklin Park) the rest of the races each runner registers his/herself and pays their own entry fee.  Don’t worry XC fees are much cheaper than road races. For the championship, we register and pay for everyone, through a USATF interface.


 There is a list of all the races, with click-able links to the race pages, at the bottom of the form.


Note: After you submit the form you will receive a confirmation email from ‘gp-reg@glrr.net’. If you don’t see the message – check your junk folder.


The 2024 USATF-NE XC Grand Prix Series is:

Note: links may not be up to date 

* USATF-NE Championship dependent on Franklin Park construction schedule