Social Updates

Can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving? Please see some updates and reminders below.   November/Thanksgiving: Tis the season of giving, for Thanksgiving we are working with the Wish Project who is in need of toiletries (soaps, shampoos, deoderants, and more) for families in need. If you have any toiletries to donate there are 3 more dates available to bring them in. Bring them to our Thanksgiving Run at the coop on the 24th (8am), our Saturday group run on 11/26 or to our club meeting on 11/28 at Princeton Station.     December/Christmas: On December 2nd we will be hosting our annual kids Christmas at Altitude in Billerica. To register for this event: As a reminder, all RSVP's need to be in by 11/29 to secure your childs spot. Santa…
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Mill Cities Relay – Reminder to sign up by 11/18

Mill Cities Relay
Don't forget to sign up for the Mill Cities Relay!! The deadline to sign up is this Friday, Nov 18th.   The Mill Cities Relay will be held on Sunday, December 4th beginning at 8am.  We came in 2nd place in 2021 missing 1st place by only 2 points!  However, in 2019 we placed first, so let’s get back to our place as MCR champions and field GLRR’s best and largest number of teams yet!   We currently have 94 members signed up which sounds like a lot, however, in 2019 when we won, we had over 120 team members. So, we need more people to sign up to help us reclaim our title.   The Mill Cities Relay is free to all current members of GLRR.  All you have to do is fill out the GLRR Mill Cities…
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Board Updates

We would like to inform you that the board has accepted David Burns’ resignation. Dave voluntarily stepped into the role of president when we needed to fill it this spring and now he finds himself needing to attend to his own move with his family. Thank you Dave for your service and all you have done for the club.   The board has voted to appoint Glenn Stewart as interim president and he will hold this position until our next general election in January, 2024. Thank you Glenn for being willing to fill this role, we know we are in good hands.   We look forward to seeing many members at our next general membership meeting on Monday, November 28, at 7pm. At this meeting we expect that people running…
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Tis the Season of Giving, Thanksgiving Run and Kids Christmas

I am so excited to share some exciting social updates for our club to gather, jump, run, drink, eat and be merry...or maybe a combo of sorts. November/Thanksgiving: Tis the season of giving, for Thanksgiving we are working with the Wish Project who is in need of toiletries (soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and more) for families in need. We will have a bin at the clubhouse starting on 11/12 for any donations you can make. Please bring any donations in by Thanksgiving. We will also be hosting our own turkey trot at the club house on Thanksgiving 11/24 morning at 8am with a small gathering after. We want to make sure you have time to cook, or just gather with your favorites for Turkey, Tofurkey or whatever you prefer. December/Christmas: On…
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