Are you running Boston on April 21st? If so, you’ll probably want in on the (in)famous GLRR Boston Bus!
It is a coach bus providing transportation to the start line in Hopkinton and from the finish line in Boston after the race. Here are the benefits of signing up:
- Avoid the port-a-potties in Hopkinton. You can use the bathroom on the coach bus.
- Skip bag check. You can leave your gear on the bus and it will be transported to Boston.
- Avoid the elements (sort of). We can’t help you out on the race course, but if it’s pouring rain or blistering hot on race day, you can limit your exposure before the race by staying on the bus.
- A friendly face. A GLRR volunteer will be waiting for you at the end of the finish chute to escort you to our rooms at the Park Plaza.
- A SHOWER! ‘Nuff said.
- Massage. Feels lovely and increases the chance you don’t have to walk down the stairs backwards on Tuesday.
- Food + (Adult) Beverages. PB+J, chips, cookies, and Starbucks if you ask Bus Mom nicely to pick up your order from the lobby. Plus, the Sunshine Lady’s signature kitchen sink cookies usually make an appearance.
- The best vibes. Hugs. Smiles. Photos of you biting your medal. Bragging of accomplishments and/or commiserating on the pain. Basking in the post-race glow is so much better when you share it with others!
Once everyone is accounted for the bus will return you to Cawley Stadium. This is usually at about 7:00pm, but you can forgo the ride back if you have alternative transportation from Boston.
The Requirements:
- You must be a registered Boston Marathon runner
- You must be a paying member of GLRR
- $100 for access to everything (If you have your own transportation to and from the race and you are only interested in the hotel side of things, it is $50)
Want in? Then sign up here!
* New for 2025 *
We are making a special commemoration shirt this year. If you would like your name on the shirt, you MUST let us know you are running Boston this year. If you sign up for the bus, we will know. If you don’t need bus services but will be running Boston, please email apparel@glrr.net to let us know.
Happy Training!