March 1993


Our cover features the directors of the 1993 Hynes Road race Eric Beauchesne and Kara Molloy.  Inside you will find the Grande Report, If the Shoe Fits by Dave Kromer, stories on the Twosome Race, Thoughts About Track and Field, Where’s the Green, Shin Splits, 1993 Preview and results.





May 1993


Bo Beavis the 1993 GLRR Runner-of-the-Year is featured on this cover. In this issue you will find articles by Dave Kromer, Jack Pierce (Mill Cities Review), the Grande Report, a GLRR Trivia test, team news, youth news, Grand Prix information and results.





Staring Lines
September 1993


Pipa Davis who spends the summer of ’93 running across America is featured on the cover. In this issue you will find articles by Dave Kromer, Jack Pierce, Clint O’Brien, Ed Pancoast, Jan Johnson and Jack Mulligan covering everything from local news to New England news.





November Staring Lines
November 1993


John Barbour is featured on this cover of Starting Lines. He is finishing the last leg of the 1993 Fred Brown Relay at Lake Winnipesaukee. In this issue you will find a feature on the Fabulous Grande Boys, an article by Dave Kromer, reports on the Fred Brown Relay, team and Grand Prix News, race reports and results.